کدهای تقلبStar Wars: The Force Unleashed IIبرایPS3


کدهای تقلب Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II



هنگام بازی، Pause کنید و وارد منوی Options شوید. سپس وارد منوی Cheats شده و کدهای زیر را وارد کنید.

Sabre Throw move unlocked: TRAYA

Dark Apprentice costume: Ventress

Force Repulse: Marek

Play As Bobba Fett: MANDALORE

unlock neimodian outfit: GUNRAY

Unlock Stormtrooper Costume: TK421

Unlock Terror Trooper costume: SHADOW

Unlock White Lightsaber Crystal "Wisdom": SOLARI

Unlocks Experimental Jedi Armor costume: NOMI

unlocks General Kota costume: rahm

Unlocks Healing (Dark Green) lightsaber crystal: LIBO

Unlocks Jump Trooper costume: AJP400

Unlocks Rebel Commando costume: SPECFORCE

unlocks Rebel Trooper costume: rebelscum

Unlocks Saber Guard costume: MORGUKAI

Unlocks Scout Trooper costume: HARPER

Unlocks Sith Training Droid costume: HOLODROID

Unlocks the Sith Acolyte Costume: HAAZEN

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